Easily run Windows applications on your Mac


Graduate from Boot Camp

Living the Apple life but working in a Windows-based office? You can have the best of both worlds with a Windows Cloud Workspace from Tech Symphony.

Unlike Parallels or Boot Camp, you keep all of your iMac or MacBook’s resources and storage space available while also running Windows in a native environment.

Save money and time with an all-in Windows solution for all of your Apple devices.

Seamlessly log into your Windows Cloud workspace using any Macbook or Iphone

Seamlessly log into your Windows Cloud workspace using any Macbook or Iphone


Works With Any Program

Your cloud workspace will run all the same professional software you use on your business PC except you can access those programs from anywhere on any tablet, smartphone, or laptop. Save money on monthly software fees by sharing access to software installed on your workspace.

Dual Monitors

Full compatibility

Your Windows Cloud Workspace software can be customized to match your preferences with no hassles of programs not appearing correctly or crashing.

Run full Microsoft Office applications in their native environment, span your workspace across multiple displays and avoid concerns about what your documents and presentations will look like on a co-worker’s system. Printing and copying files from the workspace is as easy as from your own computer.

Update your system on your schedule, with no worries that your version of MacOS will suddenly lose features or become unable to access your programs.